40~50 You should start fighting Fungi Masters they are a valuble source of xp till 7X Lvls.

You should try Gobbal Dungeon and some Wabbits. Since dofus has added achievements, you could do all incarnam dungeon achievements. Try the field dungeon, Prespics, Boars, Miliboowolfs, Treechnids, Vampires (and sell the Vampire Blood), small groups of Blops/Biblops avoid the Cherry ones. Beware they steal AP and they have from 20% to 24 % Resistance to all elements depending on their levels. Take groups of 1 then 2 and so on till you reach the groups with the max Chafers. 10~20 You can fight Chafer Novice, Chafer Scout, Chafer Sneak and Chafer Pikeman. It's a relatively easy stat to scroll though and 100 chance is worth 10 Prospecting.

Agility gives dodge to avoid being locked. Agility: Intelligence Osamodas are easier to lock down than other Osamodas.Strength: Strength is a useful stat to have, as it increases the effectiveness of summoned Gobballs that are summoned to lock and inflict the Gravity state.Without the summoner the summons can't exist, and lasting longer is always good regardless of class. Vitality: A good stat to scroll for Osamodas.You'll want to raise this as high as possible, at least to 300 (4:1 soft cap). Intelligence: This is an Intelligence build, and as of such this is the main stat.Furthermore, Osamodas' summons' stats are influenced by the Osa's stats, and as the dragons can heal, they are mostly preferred in groups. Most of its offensive spells are fire-based, and they each suit different play styles in different combinations. Intelligence is perhaps the most common kind of Osamodas.
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