
Tomato crostata
Tomato crostata

tomato crostata

Ballerini, Luigi Ciavolella, Massimo (eds.). Il memoriale della lingua italiana: ridotto in ordine d'alfabeto per commodità del lettore. Accademia della Crusca and Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa Vocabolario degli accademici della Crusca.

tomato crostata

Gourmet Gifts: 100 Delicious Recipes for Every Occasion to Make Yourself & Wrap with Style. Capatti, Alberto Montanari, Massimo (2003).Baretti, Giuseppe Marco Antonio (1816).In the Hands of A Chef: Cooking with Jody Adams of Rialto Restaurant. Other savoury crostata recipes included a crostata with creamy cheese referred to as a butirata, those with truffles or field mushrooms, one with artichoke or cardoon hearts, and one with "the viscera of any sort of turtle". For meat and seafood based crostata, there were recipes using pork jowls or prosciutto, crayfish, anchovies, or oysters. Scappi included many recipes for crostata in Opera dell'arte del cucinare. A popular sweet variant, especially in central Italy, is crostata di ricotta, made with ricotta mixed with sugar and lemon zest, and which may additionally include cocoa or raisins. Opera dell'arte del cucinare included a recipe for a "crostata of crabmeat and shrimp", and also stated that to instead make a torta, the shrimp and crab should be crushed. Ingredients for a savoury crostata may include meat, fish, or vegetables, which are pre-cooked. A modern version is crostata alla nutella, which has Nutella as the filling. In his 1570 cookbook Opera dell'arte del cucinare, Bartolomeo Scappi included a recipe for a crostata of plums and sour cherries, and others for quince, and pears. The crostata can also be blind-baked and then filled with pastry cream ( crema pasticciera) topped with pieces of fresh fruit this is called crostata di frutta. Sweet variations use fruit preserves as a filling, typically apricot, cherry, peach or nectarine, or berries. There are "endless variations" of both sweet and savoury crostata, the sweet ones usually being served as a dessert. It is differentiated from a torta by its filling: a crostata has an inconsistent chunky filling, whereas a torta has a consistent filling made of blended ingredients. Today, shortcrust pastry is used instead. Traditionally, a crostata consisted of a base, usually three layers, of friable dough "flavoured with clarified fat and butter". The word crostata appeared in the earliest Italian dictionaries, included in the 1612 dictionary Vocabolario degli Accademici della Crusca (compiled from 1591 to 1608) by the Accademia della Crusca and the Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, and the 1617 dictionary Il memoriale della lingua italiana: ridotto in ordine d'alfabeto per commodità del lettore by Giacomo Pergamino, in which it was defined as a type of torta. The French term croustade derives from it, from which the English term custard derives. The name derives from the Latin word crustāta, the feminine past participle of crustāre (to encrust), and ultimately from the noun crusta (crust). Historically, it also referred to an "open-faced sandwich or canapé" because of its crusted appearance, or a chewet, a type of meat pie. Ī crostata is a "rustic free-form version of an open fruit tart" that may also be baked in a pie plate. The earliest known use of crostata in its modern sense can be traced to the cookbooks Libro de Arte Coquinaria (Book of the Art of Cooking) by Martino da Como, published circa 1465, and Cuoco napolitano (Neapolitan Cook), published in the late 15th century containing a recipe (number 94) titled Crostata de Caso, Pane, etc. A crostata is an Italian baked tart or pie.

Tomato crostata